

Our next-door neigh­bor, Mike Harp­er, was kind of a surfer dude in atti­tude… blond, row­dy and always look­ing for a good wave. He didn’t make it to the beach that often, but could skate­board down a hill like no one in the neigh­bor­hood. He also had a cool blue...

California Here We Come

We weren’t out of Mary­land when it began. “Are we there yet?” Suzie called plain­tive­ly from the back seat. That would be repeat­ed an aggra­vat­ing num­ber of times by the poor bored souls endur­ing the tor­tur­ous ordeal of the back seat. If you were in the front...


We moved out of that big blue house on Mechan­ics Val­ley Road to a drab cramped officer’s quar­ters at the Bain­bridge Naval Train­ing Sta­tion. I don’t think we lived there very long because I real­ly have to rack my brains to think of any­thing half mem­o­rable...

Other Stuff

Down in our base­ment we’d mim­ic the Bea­t­les just like they were on Sul­li­van. I made repli­ca gui­tars out of cutout card­board accu­rate in every detail com­plete with knobs, frets and strings, col­or­ing them in with pas­tels from my Jon Gnagy art set. I used...

Deja Vu

It’s weird how things seem to reoc­cur in fam­i­lies a gen­er­a­tion lat­er. We repeat the same mis­takes of our par­ents or we inher­it habits, ticks and phys­i­cal traits not appar­ent until we get old­er. I didn’t think of it until I wrote about the mem­o­ry but my...


My best friend, Wane Dean, was the first kid I knew who had a copy of “Meet the Bea­t­les.” He called me right away after his moth­er brought it home for him. I ran as fast as I could along the icy road to his house because that was a big deal. “I Want to Hold your...