
Chanting and Ranting

Chanting and Ranting I don’t recall my class­mates’ names at this point so, if any of them were added to the list above, I wouldn’t know. But I can describe a few and attribute bits of info about them. I recall there were three Jew­ish boys in my class, each very...

Summer of Hate

Burn, baby! Burn! 1967 was also the Sum­mer of Hate. America’s pres­ence in the Viet­nam grew to a stag­ger­ing 475,000 troops and in the states, peace ral­lies and polit­i­cal protests increased expo­nen­tial­ly. There was a spread­ing dis­con­tent with the war in...

The Summit

Kevin Fer­ring had surfer-blond hair and was speck­led with freck­les on every sur­face he had ever exposed to the sun. Kevin was also ten and my best bud­dy. He joined Joe, Mike and I on our lizard hunts and was a pret­ty good skate­board­er to boot. Harp­er always...

Odd Jobs and The History of Bowling.

I need­ed mon­ey for albums and art sup­plies and I need­ed a job. We hadn’t been at the base for too long before I was look­ing for work. Although there weren’t many oppor­tu­ni­ties avail­able for a twelve year old, I man­aged to find work dur­ing our stay at the...

Plastic Fantastic

I’ll segue into a not-so won­der­ful expe­ri­ence that occurred at around the same time: I met a neigh­bor boy at a scout meet­ing on the base. He seemed pret­ty nice and asked me to come hang out at his place. I’ll call him: Sey­mour.  The husky kid with...