
Paula’s Dilema

Miss Lily came to our house a month lat­er and just maybe, saved my sis­ter Paula’s life. Well, what hap­pened may not have actu­al­ly killed her, but if Lil­ly hadn’t been there, it would have put a seri­ous crimp on Paula’s abil­i­ty to eat prop­er­ly, chew or...

The Widow’s Web

The neigh­bor in the house next door, on the oppo­site side of the Smiths was a wid­ow in her mid fifties. She went by: Miss Lil­ly. She wasn’t from a hol­low in Ten­nessee, but you get the descrip­tive gist. She was a chain-smok­er and had a wrin­kled hard face. She...

Canal street continued…

I was in sixth grade inter­me­di­ate school at Saint Boni­face. It felt like mil­i­tary school with a bar­rage of rules and reg­u­la­tions to deal with: White shirts- tucked in, navy blue tie and slacks, black shoes. Hair/bangs trimmed above the eye­brows and ears. It...

Canal Street

PART TWO: WILLIAMSPORT TO WILIAMSPORT A light rain began to fall as I quick­ened my pace, head down, in a use­less attempt to out­run it. The wind blew hair across my face as I searched for a rub­ber band in my pock­et to tie it back. I looked up uneasi­ly and didn’t...

A Few More Months

That sum­mer was fleet­ing, more so because it would be our last one in San Diego. In a few months, when the orders came down, my dad was to be trans­ferred to Philadel­phia. We weren’t hap­py about it because we loved San Car­los. But we weren’t Cal­i­for­ni­ans,...

The Mysterious Fever

About a month lat­er, my sis­ter Lau­ra woke up when she heard moan­ing. Paula was sit­ting up, a rest­less dark shape in the bed across the room. Lau­ra called out, “Paula… Paula?” After no response Lau­ra turned on the light. Paula was burn­ing up and moan­ing....