
A Few More Months

That sum­mer was fleet­ing, more so because it would be our last one in San Diego. In a few months, when the orders came down, my dad was to be trans­ferred to Philadel­phia. We weren’t hap­py about it because we loved San Car­los. But we weren’t Cal­i­for­ni­ans,...

The Mysterious Fever

About a month lat­er, my sis­ter Lau­ra woke up when she heard moan­ing. Paula was sit­ting up, a rest­less dark shape in the bed across the room. Lau­ra called out, “Paula… Paula?” After no response Lau­ra turned on the light. Paula was burn­ing up and moan­ing....


I wasn’t a news hound but caught whiffs of the may­hem flash­ing across the tele­vi­sion. Fires- both lit­er­al and sym­bol­ic were sparked by demon­stra­tors seem­ing­ly every­where. Race riots flared up in city after city as ghet­tos burned. The US draft calls for...

Grammy and Ken

Our grand­par­ents, on my father’s side, lived upstate in San­ta Rosa, about a ten hour dri­ve. Around Christ­mas time, we went up for a vis­it. My Gram­my, Lor­na, was a tall hand­some woman, a real look­er when she was younger. She mar­ried Ken in the for­ties after...

Orange Crush

I saw those movies at a dif­fer­ent dri­ve-in on anoth­er night when I joined Kevin and his sis­ter Cindy on a night out with their par­ents lat­er that sum­mer. On the trip back from the con­ces­sion stand we caught their par­ents mak­ing out in the front seat of...