
San Carlos Cowboys

In San Car­los, every­body had a ride. You weren’t a cow­boy with­out a horse, or cool with­out a bike. To rem­e­dy that, Joe and I decid­ed we would get a job. We became news­pa­per deliv­ery boys. At first, Ma woke us and escort­ed us to the news­pa­per truck...

Secret Agents and Joe’s Dilemma

Secret Agents Spy­ing was both real and roman­ti­cized in the news, the movies, in songs and on tele­vi­sion. Our coun­try was in the mid­dle of the Cold War, an arms race and a space race with Rus­sia. We had one thing in com­mon with the Rus­sians, a lit­tle shared...

Karen’s Stories

My sis­ter Karen dis­liked the Span­ish teacher, Mr. Kissler, because he was a smart ass — Hijo de puta (son of a bitch) who had a habit of say­ing rude things in Span­ish to you if you hap­pen to be the last kid arriv­ing for class, or would mock you if you...