“One Time”
This blog is a collection of short stories from a memoire of my childhood called “One Time.” I grew up in a large nomadic family. We experienced a lot of interesting, funny and unfortunate things. This is how I saw it all in a historical and cultural context. This is a work in progress.
Chanting and Ranting
Chanting and Ranting I don’t recall my classmates’ names at this point so, if any of them were added to the list above, I wouldn’t know. But I can describe a few and attribute bits of info about them. I recall there were three Jewish boys in my class, each very…
read moreSummer of Hate
Burn, baby! Burn! 1967 was also the Summer of Hate. America’s presence in the Vietnam grew to a staggering 475,000 troops and in the states, peace rallies and political protests increased exponentially. There was a spreading discontent with the war in…
read moreThe Summit
Kevin Ferring had surfer-blond hair and was speckled with freckles on every surface he had ever exposed to the sun. Kevin was also ten and my best buddy. He joined Joe, Mike and I on our lizard hunts and was a pretty good skateboarder to boot. Harper always…
read moreOdd Jobs and The History of Bowling.
I needed money for albums and art supplies and I needed a job. We hadn’t been at the base for too long before I was looking for work. Although there weren’t many opportunities available for a twelve year old, I managed to find work during our stay at the…
read morePlastic Fantastic
I’ll segue into a not-so wonderful experience that occurred at around the same time: I met a neighbor boy at a scout meeting on the base. He seemed pretty nice and asked me to come hang out at his place. I’ll call him: Seymour. The husky kid with…
read moreLight my Fire
We couldn’t get out of Williamsport fast enough, would be the best way to put it. We received word; FINALLY, that housing became available in Philly. We moved down to the Philadelphia Naval Base when my Dad was transferred there in June 1967. It was the summer of…
read morePaula’s Dilema
Miss Lily came to our house a month later and just maybe, saved my sister Paula’s life. Well, what happened may not have actually killed her, but if Lilly hadn’t been there, it would have put a serious crimp on Paula’s ability to eat properly, chew or…
read moreThe Widow’s Web
The neighbor in the house next door, on the opposite side of the Smiths was a widow in her mid fifties. She went by: Miss Lilly. She wasn’t from a hollow in Tennessee, but you get the descriptive gist. She was a chain-smoker and had a wrinkled hard face. She…
read moreCanal street continued…
I was in sixth grade intermediate school at Saint Boniface. It felt like military school with a barrage of rules and regulations to deal with: White shirts- tucked in, navy blue tie and slacks, black shoes. Hair/bangs trimmed above the eyebrows and ears. It…
read moreCanal Street
PART TWO: WILLIAMSPORT TO WILIAMSPORT A light rain began to fall as I quickened my pace, head down, in a useless attempt to outrun it. The wind blew hair across my face as I searched for a rubber band in my pocket to tie it back. I looked up uneasily and didn’t…
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